Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We are too lax on this updating!

So, it has been way too long since James and I have updated this blog!  The holidays came and then, bam, its the end of January already!  Its been a busy 6 weeks or so. Right before Christmas, we went to Busch Gardens Christmas Town.  It was really fun.  James had a good time.  He loved the penguins.  Then,  we had our first Christmas here in Williamsburg!  James received more toys that we really know what to do with!  Some are in the attic for a mid-year Christmas ;-)  

January rolled around and the flu bug came through our house... Trevor had the flu for about a week.  It was pretty grim around here.  And then in the middle of that, James got an upper respiratory and ear infection.  Nurse Danielle was working full time and trying not to get sick, as well.  I spent most of that week in a face mask and gloves.  And lo and behold, as of right now, I did not get the flu!  

Last week, James experienced snow for the first time!  I think he liked it, though it was hard to tell... he was barely able to move in that big ol' snowsuit!  It seems we have more snow in the forecast for this week, so we'll get to play again!  It's time for me to go play with some trucks with the little guy. Will write more soon (hopefully sooner than last time!)
