Sunday, June 17, 2012

Three Months!

While I was in the hospital, I turned three months old!  My grand mom took some pictures of me after I was all better :)

I survived the hospital!

Happy Sunday to everyone.  Since last writing, i've been busy being sick.  I caught a virus from my buddy Drew Bott.  It caused really mean sores in my throat and it hurt so much to drink.  So I stopped drinking... Mommy and the Doctor didn't like that.  In fact, they got really worried cause my body was drying up (dehydrated, they called it).  That's what landed me in the hospital.  

The nice nurses took good care of me.  They hooked me up to a machine that made me not so dry and made it look like I had a club hand.  Good news is that I got better in a few days and gave it to mommy... I thought it would nice that I shared my sickness with her!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Toys, toys, toys!

I can finally start playing with some of my toys.  My little hands can grasp this fun one...

I'm not quite big enough and my feet don't hit the floor yet but I love my excer-saucer and jumping thing!  Once I can finally reach the floor, my mom says i'm going to be a maniac on these things :)


Friday, June 1, 2012

I'm growing big and tall!

I'm almost 3 months old, my mom tells me.  Since we last wrote a lot has happened.  I'm still struggling with formula... and my reflux still makes me unhappy.  BUT- i am growing big and tall despite of that.  In fact, at my last doctor's appointment I was 25.25" and 14 pounds!  I go back again soon.  Hopefully I've gotten even bigger!

This was me at 2 months!

In mid-May, my grandparents brought me to Disney World!  I had so much fun meeting Mickey Mouse for the first time.  I even went in the swimming pool.  I didn't cry one bit, though I'm still not sure I like it. My mom wants me to be a good swimmer, so she's starting early!

First Mother's Day at the swimming pool

They made me wear a hat... I HATE wearing hats!

The rest of May was pretty uneventful.  I went to the go kart place with my parents for Memorial Day... 

That's it for now... My mom goes back to work soon :( Good thing it's only for a few days!
