Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Swing Ride!

Mom took me to the park today for the first time.  I got to ride on a big boy swing.  I loved it!  Dad came on his lunch break, too, to watch me swing.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Six Month Photo Shoot

Here are some pictures from my Colonial Williamsburg photo shoot.  And by the way, I learned to crawl recently! Watch out :)

I am half a year old already!

Can you believe it?  I am six months old today.  Mom said time has flown by! ( I guess she's already forgotten about how I used to get up every two hours at night.  Good news is now I limit my night wakings to once a night, a big improvement!)  I will have my six month photo op later, but wanted to share a few things first.  In the past couple weeks I got to do some fun things.  I went to the water park, was baptized and flew to NJ to spend more time with Uncle John and Aunt Molly.  In NJ, I went to the beach for the first time and felt the Atlantic Ocean.  This past saturday, I even went to my first football game.  Go Tribe!
After all the excitement of my baptism. 

With Daddy at my first football game!
Mom, Dad, & Reverend Kerr